Thursday, November 8, 2007

Catch up #14 Technorati.

Now I remember why I probably skimmed over this the first time. Technorati relates to technology stuff. I have learned that I was inhabiting a 2.0 world, in a 1.0 fashion... and that I should be a little more curious and a little less scathing of new technologies. However, I can not imagine myself reading about technology stuff. It just doesn't interest me that much.

I have however, had to eat my words a number of times recently. I always said I didn't see the point in ipods. I know what I want to listen to and when so my old battered discman was sufficient. Then I was given an ipod, then some b*stard stole my ipod and I have been miserable ever since. (Bloody batteries just don't last long enough. Bring on the mp3 player... momma needs portable music.)
All things in moderation, except humble pie apparently. At least I now know that Technorati exists. I'll go now and maybe write someone a letter, or play a CD or even a tape... or crawl into a cave and use two sticks to start a fire.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great job! Got you down, and you should now be all caught up :)